About Jen

So, who is Jen, exactly?

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Stop the world, please...I'd like to get off...

My head is spinning. Whirling around wildly, threatening at any moment to liberate itself from the confines of this mortal body.

Yesterday: Doctor appointment in the morning, trip to the New House to drop stuff off in the evening.

Today: Music rehearsal with kid in church band.

Tonight: Participate in Hubby's Corporate Run; I'm taking pics of the athletes, he's running the food table

Tomorrow: Hope Pregnancy Center fundraising benefit dinner, must make hair appointment and find shoes to match dress, arrange to pick up babysitter sometime between the two.

Saturday: Work at New House (painting, install new cabinet hardware, drill hole in pool deck for the baby gate, put up curtain rods) Church service in the evening

Sunday: Band playing at local homeless shelter

It usually takes me a whole month to do all that stuff. This is going to be one memorable week.


Kwana said...

I hope it all calms down soon. This is so funny. I just did a post with this title the other day. Must be a trend.

Awesome Mom said...

Hang in there!!! Weeks like that are always crazy.

Jessica said...

You can do it! :) Just think, next week you can sit down and think about all of those things and relax! :)

Haley said...

Wow, you are one busy gal! Just take a deep breath and you'll make it! You're tough, I know it!

Pfingston said...

Ml prayers are with you!
Have fun storming the castle!

Mamacita Tina said...

Need a Starbucks? Whew.

Susan said...

Well, my goodness, that IS a full plate!! Hope you get some time to breathe in there.



the dragonfly said...

Hope it all goes well. Take time to enjoy everything...especially the downtime. :)

Damselfly said...

Or a very forgettable one! ;)