About Jen

So, who is Jen, exactly?

Friday, April 25, 2008

All moved in!!

Finally, at long last, we are moved in. As I type this, Hubby is over at the old apartment, gathering up the last couple boxes of random stuff and also painting the place back to white. Most of the boxes here are unpacked, though things aren't arranged exactly the way we like.

Pictures and stories to come. Going to bed now.


Jessica said...

Moving is so exhausting. I'm glad it's settling down for ya...or maybe just beginning? :)

Anne/kq said...

Congratulations on the move, that's a great feeling. I don't think I've ever been completely unpacked, though...

Haley said...

Yay for your move! I can't wait to see photos!

Susan said...

Can't wait to see the pics. Congrats on the move. I'm sure it feels so good.

