About Jen

So, who is Jen, exactly?

Friday, July 01, 2016

So, who is Jen, exactly?

Hi there! So glad you've joined me over here. I'm Jen. I write about books, about Disney World, about running, and my kids. OK, mostly about my kids. My kids and books. If my kids are reading books together, I'll definitely write about that. Oh, and coffee, too.

I digress. This blog has been here for a long time, under many different names and for several different purposes. I previously wrote under a fake name, so if you dig far enough into the archives and wonder who on EARTH "Guinevere" and "Lance" are-- that's me and my boy-child. I use my real name now, but sometimes it's fun to be someone else. :)

I live in central Florida (hence the being-able-to-write-about Disney World) with my husband and two children. My husband does Computer Stuff. I'm a teacher. I've been homeschooling my children the last three years but we will be returning to the world of public school here in a few weeks and are eager for the change.

Maybe that's why I'm back here. On the eve of a Big Change, I need a Creative Outlet. So here we shall be, for the foreseeable future.

Welcome. I hope you stay awhile.

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