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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Persecute Majestic Fish with a Loud Trumpet of Death

Some very dear friends of ours gave us a set of "magnetic poetry" as a housewarming gift. (For those who don't know, it is a set of magnets. Each magnet has a word on it, and you can make up all sorts of sentences and phrases on your refrigerator. It provides hours of amusement.)

This was a particularly appropriate gift. You see, these friends have the same thing at their house. Whenever I go over there, I like to leave them a surprise. Sometimes it takes them a long time to notice that there is a new phrase on their refrigerator door.

I would like to share with you now some of the truly inspired words I have come up with. This set was themed to be "Christian" so it has words like majestic, eternal, heavenly, sin, God, etc. I intend to keep a running list, as I need some of these words to make more sentences and phrases, but I don't want to lose my work. Some of them are profound, some of them are just downright silly, and some may even be sacreligious.

not too patient she is
gentle and almost righteous
forgive everything
persecute majestic fish with a loud trumpet of death
they who teach weeping daughters will inspire eternal beauty through lessons of everlasting kindness

My sister left me the following gems on her recent weekend visit:
preach in a whisper
jesus save this bad man from hell
I command you to embrace only red singing angels and believe in radiant bread

tee hee hee. I can't wait until Lance is older and has writing assignments to do for school. Or when he has to write sentences using his vocabulary words. It'll be loads of fun.

As soon as Hubby gets my camera equipment hooked up to the computer, I'll take a photo of the side of my refrigerator and show you these works in progress. :)


the dragonfly said...

Oh, I love magnetic poetry!! I have three or four sets, I've had them since college. We used to have "poetry readings" in our apartment, too fun!


(I look forward to being able to put them on the fridge again...right now I'm afraid of the Little Mister eating them...)


mamashine said...

Love this! We used to have the set in German. My hubby would leave me messages that I couldn't understand. I would have to go get the dictionary and look up all the words. :)

loud trumpet of death, heh heh.

Pfingston said...

yeah, and I've got one of those fridges that are not magnetic . . . so no fun for me.
Still, I could SO understand where it would be a load of fun!
Hey and thanks for the good chuckle from your comment today! LOL "burn being overated"! Amen!

I'll be catching you around later . . .

Mamacita Tina said...

I love playing around with words, and use to keep a set on our fridge too. I may have to get it out again, you've inspired me. Oh what fun!

Gerbil said...

i have a set that is all coffee-related.

Unknown said...

Tooooo funny! We had those when I was single and had a hoot with them. Sadly, our dumb fridge is stainless steel and nothing sticks.

Well, except for fingerprints....

Beck said...

I had the regular set - now lost during many moves - and it was mostly just used to write ribald poetry.

Damselfly said...

Fun! I love magnetic poetry. Maybe a little too much.

This is funny because I've had it in the back of my mind to do a magnetic poetry blog! Or at least blog posts. Maybe we should start something....

Anne/kq said...

I had a regular set too, once, and a "women" themed set, and a "food/cooking" themed set.

They always seem to get lost somehow...

Maybe we move too much.

I love your funny sentences! When we did sentences using spelling words I used to be as sarcastic as possible. Once my mom got called in for a parent-teacher conference because my first-grade teacher was a bit alarmed by the level of sarcasm I was capable of...

Haley said...

Hours and hours of fun indeed! :-)