I spent part of today going through my photo files. I was just uploading some new pictures, and decided to go back into last year's May folder to see how much Lance has changed. It's quite a shock. He went from this:

To this:

My smiling, joyful, full of bursts-of-sunshine boy.
Don't grow too fast, sweetheart. I don't want to miss anything.
What a cute little guy! It is amazing how fast they change especially when they are babies.
He is simply adorable. It is so sad to watch them grow. But it's also exciting to see them learn.
I have to be honest. I couldn't get past the baby leg chubs to read the rest.
Evidently, I have issues.
Isn't it just amazing how much they change? But the eyes, they stay the same. And Lance, yours are just gorgeous!
Wow! I still think of him as the top picture- he's gotten so big and grownup lately! :) Handsome boy.
He sure is a cutie!
It still astonishes me how fast babies change and grow...
i was just looking at Jacob last night and desperately wanting to hit Pause because he's growing up toooooo quickly. Lance is goshdarn adorable. Seriously.
He is so precious!
Huh, I don't notice any change at all.
OH! He was a handsome one from the get-go!
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