About Jen

So, who is Jen, exactly?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Oh, the Fatigue

I can tell it's been awhile since I've done any regular exercise. How, do you ask? Well, because I feel completely exhausted and without energy. It's just mean of nature that when our bodies most need exercise, we absolutely Do.Not.Want.To.

I was so good for awhile! Lance and I would take nice long stroller walks in the morning, and during his morning nap I would vigorously do the housework that needed doing, and I had tons of energy. Then I got sick for a couple days, broke the pattern, and now I sit around in my PJs all morning until he goes down for his morning nap, then I go back to bed, and inevitably when we wake up, I feel worse than I did before. By then, the day is half gone. I'm so lazy!

I need some motivation. Help!


Jessica said...

Oh my. This is so my life! I worked out for 4 weeks and then stopped. Now I am exhausted all the time. I know I want to work out again, but I just can't get the energy to get up and do it. UGH! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

"A body in motion tends to stay in motion. A body at rest tends to stay at rest." My body's been at rest for 15 years. I can relate.

You have a lovely, flowing name. It sounds like you should be a romance novelist...

Haley said...

Boy I have been there, recently too! I hope you get to feeling more motivated, just think, if you get out and start walking around, you can work on your tan and lose a few lbs in antcipation of summer swimming and a new bathing suit!

Gerbil said...

Well, if you figure it out, tell ME. I'm starting to suspect that about the only thing that might get me moving faster is a ticked-off badger gnawing on my ankles... and they're in short supply around here.

Damselfly said...

It *is* hard to get going ... but once you do work out for a while, it actually gets easier. Just like anything, it's a habit. Even if you only have energy to drag yourself through 10 minutes of working out, it's a start.

Also, make sure you eat enough protein and get enough iron! ;)

the dragonfly said...

I need to exercise again, too. My energy is low. Ugh, I need some motivation!!!