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Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Heart Yard Sales

Yard sales ROCK. (I've been using that word a lot lately. In my last 3 comments to other bloggers, I said that something-or-other-in-their-post-that-inspired-me ROCKED.) Mourning my youth, perhaps?

Anyway. Our church youth group does an annual "garage sale" in our fellowship hall. (Why don't they call it a "Fellowship Hall sale?" lol!) I went over there this morning, and found a fantastic chair and ottoman for the grand total of $20.00. The chair is a beautiful navy blue, is in great shape, and is comfy! Best of all, it coordinates with the furniture we already have. It is going to be my chair. Hubby has a hideously ugly (albeit super-comfy) beige recliner which I always sit in during the day when he's not home, so now I can have my own chair.


Oh, I also scored 4 hardback books for $.50 each. That also rocks. See, I'm a bit of a book snob. When possible, I prefer to buy hardback books. Why, do you ask? Because when I find a book I like, I read it over and over and over again. There is one particular book that I have had to replace three times because I wore it out. So while it's true that paperbacks are cheaper than hardback books, by the time you have purchased a third copy, you might as well have sprung for the hardback.

It's been a pleasant morning.

(I'll post a picture of the chair later on. I have to send Hubby back to the church to go pick it up because the chair wouldn't fit in my teeny tiny car!)


Awesome Mom said...

I am a book snob too!!! I am also a rereader. My dad isn't and I can't understand how you can just read a good book just once.

A star trek bear, hmmm I will have to wrap my brain around that one. I think it could be doable though.

Jessica said...

Yard Sales do ROCK! Great finds!!

Beck said...

I've had to replace my copy of Pride and Prejudice SEVERAL TIMES! I should just break down and buy a sturdy hardcover version, eh?

Gerbil said...

heh. have a couple of books that i only buy in paperback because i usually wind up loaning/giving it to someone... and then its cheaper to replace.

Unknown said...

For the most part, my yard sale days are over. Something about dragging two little rugrats out of the car. 'Round these parts, we have these killer children's consignment sales every spring and fall, which are just like killer garage sales. But without dragging the kids. :-)

Great scores, my dear!

P.S. Still reeling over the Trekkie confessional....

Susan said...

I love love love a good yard sale. It's fun to find such bargains. Congrats on your chair. I hope you enjoy it.



christina said...

I love a good yard sale find almost as much as I love chocolate. Something about outsmarting the system...or having more money to spend on chocolate.

Anne/kq said...

Awesome buys! I am so missing my bargains and wishing for the end of tax season so I can yard-sale and thrift-store-shop to my heart's content again!

I wonder if my dad (who yard sales most Saturday mornings) would be willing to take us all out one week... He already has a seat for my eldest installed and it would just take putting in my youngest... Hmmm...