About Jen

So, who is Jen, exactly?

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Hey everyone.

Those of you who are of the praying sort- please send up a prayer for me! The last couple days I have been suffering from heat exhaustion, which is very unusual for me. It happened yesterday when my mom and I took Lance to see the aquarium and he was running around in the outdoor water playground. I became very faint and weak and we had to leave early. It happened again today when my sister and I were in the pool with Lance. Fortunately I recognized the symptoms, so I got myself inside into the air conditioning and drank some water immediately.

This is weird. No, I'm not pregnant-- just finished my cycle yesterday. Will schedule a checkup with my doctor when I get back home. In the meantime, I'm going to drink lots of water and try to stay out of the sun for prolonged periods.



Pfingston said...

prayers your way

Sheila @ Dr Cason.org said...

Just sent up a prayer. Are you okay now?

the dragonfly said...

Hope you're feeling better!

Susan said...

Hey...praying here. It's odd because I think it's been milder than normal lately.

Hopefully it's something simple that will correct itself with your precautions.



Damselfly said...

I totally relate! I am not a very heat tolerant person. I really have to watch it. Take it easy! ;)

Mamacita Tina said...

Oh no, hope you're feeling better.

Haley said...

Hope you're feeling better!

Erin said...

Thoughts your way! I get heat exhaustion, too. I'm hypoglycemic, so it usually ties in to not eating enough protein, then the heat tends to make it worse. Feel better!

Beck said...

Oh, of course!
Once you've had heat exhaustion, you're MUCH more likely to get it again. Go see your doctor.

Anne/kq said...

You know, it could be the period. I've found that the blood loss often makes me more susceptible to stuff I'm usually not. As well as generally weak and faint sometimes. Even if it doesn't seem like all that much blood, you can be losing more than you think. I've been thinking about switching to a different iron supplement 'cause I seem to have low iron all the time to begin with, even with taking it; always have. I have some friends that swear by Floradix and I'm thinking of switching to that.