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Sunday, June 01, 2008

A Prize! A Prize!

Hi everyone! Many of you seemed to enjoy the new blog feature that my friend Damselfly and I have begun: Magnetic Monday. I was very pleased with the reactions I got from everyone!

Except for one: too many of you bemoan your lack of a set of magnetic poetry.

So I plan to fix that.

One lucky blogger is going to win a set of magnetic poetry from me!! I purchased a Christian-themed set, the same one that Damselfly gave me as a housewarming gift, and I want to give it to one of YOU!

Here are the qualifications:

You may not already own a set of magnetic poetry. If you have one that you haven't used for awhile, dust it off and join us on Mondays!
You must leave a comment on this post or the next Magnetic Monday post letting me know you want a shot at the prize, and,
In your comment, you must prove that you have the wordcrafting skills necessary to fully appreciate such a prize by leaving me a creative sentence or phrase. See my very first magnetic poetry post for some ideas.
You may still enter even if your fridge is not magnetic. I'm sure you have some magnetic surface in your home- a mirror, your dishwasher, a filing cabinet?
The winner need not necessarily reside in the US. I know a handful of you live in other countries. You are absolutely eligible for this prize!

May the best writer win!


Brent O. said...

Here's my idea: magnetic poetry graffiti. Create good phrases, then pocket the little magnetic words and take them with you when you go out on the town. Leave your gems on public restroom stalls. It's like eco-friendly spray paint. Tell me that isn't worth a poetry kit. I promise to take photos of my vandalism. ;-)

And now, for my sentence:
Guerrilla poets wage war on dark, dank spaces.

Beck said...

Some people don't have magnetic fridges? What are their fridges made out of? And I would TOTALLY love to win this.

Jennifer Swanepoel said...

Brento- Wow, that's a great idea! I just might have to try that.

Beck- I dunno, but some people have told me their fridges aren't magnetic. I think maybe the stainless steel variety of appliances aren't magnetic. I've never had a fridge that wasn't.

Brent O. said...

Some folks have the fridge fronts that look like cabinets so their fridges blend in with the rest of their kitchen. Those aren't magnetic.

Not saying we have one, of course - when we built our house we looked at getting one, and decided not to after we saw the price tag and passed out.