About Jen

So, who is Jen, exactly?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ultimate Blog Party 2008!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2008

I can't believe it's that time again! In fact, I almost missed it! The Ultimate Blog Party 2008!!

I do believe that I met most of my regular readers at last year's party. Wasn't it fun!!

Anyhoo. For anyone visiting for the first time, WELCOME! My name is Guinevere Meadow. I have a wonderful Hubby and an adorable 15-month old baby boy I like to call Lance. Currently, I stay at home with him, but I have plans to return to school this fall and finish my degree in elementary education.

I am short with brown hair, and I like strawberry banana smoothies. I sing in a band at my church and Hubby plays guitar. I was a big dork in high school, but I earned myself a full-ride scholarship with the grades I earned because I didn't waste my time partying with people who are miserable and sad.

I like to cook and to take pictures. I sing whenever I can, whether or not anyone is listening. I like to watch reruns of Star Trek Voyager. (I guess I'm still a big dork.)

Now tell me about yourself! I hope we can be friends!


Kwana said...

Welcome to the party. I'm glad you made it in time!

Anonymous said...

i've always wanted to be a band singer. you are living my dream! and i love capt janeway ;). i'm a trekky too!

very nice to meet you!

Haley said...

I'm not new, but I'm glad you remembered the party in time! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi. Nice to meet you. Thanks for checking out the Cars Window toppers I made. I like to watch Star Trek The Next Generation, does that make me a big dork too? :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Guinevere, love your name!

I stopped by from the blog party, too, I hope you're having fun meeting the 1,000's of bloggers on the list. Whew, this is quite a party! :)

And btw, I don't know you but you sure don't sound like a dork. :)

Pfingston said...

see - you already won me when your "about" is a quoat from Princess Bride! Plus - you use "dork" in your vocabulary, like I do.
I like voyager too - and if you have seen Trekkies, and Trekkies 2, then you really are my BFF.
OK - big party, gotta hop!
Party on!

Blessed Beyond a doubt.... said...

Keep on singin', sister! Consider me a new bloggy sister!

Party til ya drop!

jill ~ tonsofsons

Cherishing Mommy said...

Thanks for the nice comments...this is my firt year at the party, but already loving it! I love your pictures.

Keep partying and have fun! Christa

Anonymous said...

You like to cook? Me, too? What's your favorite recipe...or one of them? Mine is when my husband makes his signature dish, Cajun Chicken...it's on my blog, A Cup of Joy, at my recipe page. Okay, that's my husband cooking...I have too many favorites. I couldn't decide. :)

I'm inviting you to party with me!

Win some chocolate from my-sister-in-law and I...we blog about CHOCOLATE...me from Australia...and her from Michigan. Here's the link: http://thechocolistas.blogspot.com/2008/03/ultimate-blog-party-2008.html

What am I doing in Australia? I married an Aussie...and moved to Brisbane, leaving my family and friends and all the right-side-of-the-road drivers in America.

Win a handmade pocket place mat from my blog Comfort Joy Designs. Here's the link:

Want to know more about life in Australia? Visit my A Cup of Joy site where I keep up with my family and friends in America. Here's the link:

Happy Partying!

Gerbil said...

I am not a trekkie, but I used to have an Attack Tribble, does that count?

Nikki said...

Hey!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice to 'meet' you.

I'm short with brown hair too. I also lead praise & worship at my church. Lots in common.


Mamacita Tina said...

It's always nice to find a fellow Trekkie.