About Jen

So, who is Jen, exactly?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Birthday, Lance!

What a busy week it has been! Between hosting Thanksgiving and then having Lance's birthday party all in the same holiday weekend, (NEVER going to do that again!!) I'm exhausted. So I'm going to go take a nap while you vicariously enjoy Lance's party, and I'll tell you all about it later, after I've caught a few zzzz's.


Jessica said...

Happy Birthday Lance! Sweet Dreams Mom!

Haley said...

Happy Birthday Lance!

Also, here's to you getting some good rest!

I can't wait to hear about the party!

Susan said...

These pictures are so sweet...your little man is growing up.

Thanks for sharing. Now get some rest!

:-) Susan

Anonymous said...

What IS that care bear thing? A backpack?

Horsey Mama said...

It's the 28th! Happy Birthday Mr. Lance! :oD You've had such an adventure this past year, and I hope you have another great one to come.

Damselfly said...

We had fun!

Anne/kq said...

Happy belated b-day, Lancie!