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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Private Tutoring

If you're here from Tales From the Scales, please scroll down a little for my weigh-in post.

I was given a wonderful idea the other day. It was so wonderful, I wondered why I hadn't thought of it myself! In a passing conversation, someone mentioned that in my region, private tutors receive between $25-40 an hour for their services.

HELLO!!! My background is in education. I have one semester left to finish my bachelor's degree in elementary education. I've already passed the state certification tests, so I'm just as qualified as any classroom teacher. I looked up ads for private tutors in this area, and discovered that high school students are making $25/hour to tutor. High School Students!!! Surely I could reasonably charge $30/hour! If I had only 3 or 4 students at that rate, we could eliminate a bill or two and be able to actually, I don't know, save up for a vacation or something!

If I do it in evenings after Hubby gets home, I wouldn't have to pay for a babysitter (which would take a huge chunk of that hourly rate! Babysitters around here get between $7-10/hour. I think that's crazy!)

So I'm going to take the plunge. I'm going to have some business cards and fliers printed up and take them to local schools. This is something I KNOW I could do, and with very little investment. I have TONS of teaching materials that I own, plus access to a wealth of information through my university.

This is so exciting!!!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tales From the Scales Weight Loss Challenge

It was another rough week. Once again I yo-yo'd up and down! I have a net gain from last week, but I have to say I am proud of some good choices I made when temptation was staring me in the face.

This was one of those weeks that for some reason, we either went out to eat or stopped at fast food places WAY more than usual.

So instead of dwelling on the fact that I gained weight from last week, I shall share with you my successes.

-We went out to eat at a local sandwich/deli eatery. I caved in and ordered a brownie for dessert, but I only ate a few bites of it that night, saving the rest for the next day rather than gobbling it up all at once.

- Last night our local pizza place offered two for the price of one, so we ordered two large pizzas. BIG mistake considering there are only two of us. An entire large pizza for each of us? No way. I controlled myself by eating only two slices. Yay!! (Normally I would eat four or five. Yikes!)

-I have been very good at going outside for walks this week. The weather is finally beginning to cool down enough so that I can enjoy being outside. Some days I even took TWO walks. (I haven't taken a walk today because the garage door broke last night and I cannot get in there to fetch the stroller. Must call maintenace to fix it!)

Hopefully I'll do better this week. I will plan to cook more meals at home, eliminating the need to go out so much. That'll help a lot.

I hope everyone else has a fantastic week!


Damselfly said...

What a smart cookie you are! Oops, I mean brownie. I mean, I can't believe the self-control you have to not eat the whole thing! You go!

Diana Swallow said...

It sounds like you are making great progress towards making those great choices that add up to a lifetime of healthy habits. Way to go!!

Jessica said...

If you need business cards, check out vista print dot com. I believe you can get 500 FREE business cards, just have to pay the shipping fee, which is very reasonable. Tutoring is a great idea! Plus, good luck with the weight loss goals...I need to jump aboard that train myself.

Susan said...

Did you know that in Florida schools that don't make AYP have to pay for 10 tutoring sessions? You might call your district and ask about how you could help in this area. It's guaranteed money.

This is a great service for you to offer...my MIL did this for years after she stopped teaching and she LOVED it.

:-) Susan

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

You've made some great choices this week! Congrats on that. The yo-yo thing gets all of us some weeks.
Path to Health

Mamacita Tina said...

Your tutoring idea sounds great. Go for it. Let us know how it goes.

I'm so proud of you, you didn't eat the brownie in one setting. I don't think I could do that. And portion control with pizza - awesome!

Beck said...

That's such a good idea - way to go!