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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

First Baseball Game (plus weekly weigh-in.)

Hi! If you're here from Tales From the Scales, scroll down a bit for my weigh-in post.

Lance got to enjoy his first baseball game last night!! Hubby was able to score some AWESOME seats down on the field right next to the bull pen for the Cubs-Marlins game. (He got them through work somehow. Either from a client of theirs, or someone they are a client of-- I dunno. I get them all mixed up. I think Hubby's company buys software from the company that gave us the tickets, making Hubby's office the client??? Make sense to anyone?)

Anyhoo. It made for a great night out of the house, and Lance had SO MUCH fun!! One of the Marlins players (Miller,) who was hanging out in the bull pen gave a baseball to Lance! Isn't that sweet? We were hoping to get a photo of Lance with Miller, but there was a big sign on the fence between our little area and the bull pen that said "Do Not Disturb the Players During the Game." So we honored that, and just smiled a thank-you to him.

This little area where we were sitting is a pretty fancy-shmancy area. You didn't have to go out to the concession stands because they made hot dogs and chicken fingers right in there for us, and there was someone to serve us drinks. PLUS there were THREE hot-tubs in this area. No one was using them, so we let Lance splash around a bit. He had such a great time! (And got soaked. And got me soaked. And got Hubby soaked.)

Do any of you find an unfair ratio of pictures of your child with their father to pictures of your child with YOU? I'd say ours is about 5 to 1. TONS of pictures of Lance with Hubby, and only a handful of them with me. When he grows up, he'll think I wasn't around. I'll just have to remind him that yes, in fact, I was there because I was the one who shot the picture. LOL!

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Well, it's time for a new challenge. Last week I reported an 8-pound weight loss for the duration of the May Day Weight Loss Challenge sponsored by the ladies at Tales From the Scales. Well, this week we begin a new challenge! The Look Great in 2008! Challenge.

My starting weight for this challenge was 149.8.

This morning, I weighed in at 148.2. Hooray!

Total loss for the week? 1.6 pounds. Not bad at all!!!


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Hooray! Congrats on the loss!
Path to Health

Southern Girl said...

That's a really good loss! You're doing great!

Jessica said...

Great job on the weight loss. Plus, I have the same issue with pictures. You can tell who the photographers are in our families!

Mamacita Tina said...

Whoo-hoo on the weight loss! That's awesome. Doin' a little happy dance for you.

Love the baseball pics. Can't believe those seats, your family scored big time!

Yeah, I look through my albums and think the same thing about me not being in many of the pictures. The kids will grow up thinking Paul was a single father.

Damselfly said...

Now, how come nobody told me there are *hot tubs* at the baseball stadium?! Take me out to the ball game!

Damselfly said...

PS You are looking great. And I'm not the photographer you are, but I'd be happy to take some photos of you to get that ratio evened out.

Susan said...

The baseball pics are so wonderful. It looks like you all had a great time.

And woo hoo on the weight loss!! That's exciting. I'm workin' out like CRAZY...and have seen inches lost...not weight yet. I'm sure it will all even out soon.



Haley said...

Yay for more weightloss! I love the pictures of Lance at the game! So cute!