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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Stand Up and Be Counted

...or sit up, as the case may be!

Within the last couple of days, Lancelot has started sitting up all by himself!! Unfortunately, he doesn't stay up long enough for me to grab the camera and snap a pic for you, but hopefully in the next couple of days he will!

I went to lunch yesterday with Damselfly and our friend Roo, and both Flybaby and Lancelot were sitting in high chairs!!! I can't begin to tell you how much easier it is to eat at a restaurant when Lancelot can sit in a high chair! He seemed to really enjoy it. I wedged him in there with a blanket since he's still a little tippy. It was so cute though!

I'm off to peruse my cookbooks to plan dinners for the next week. I've realized if I don't plan ahead and shop ahead of time for ingredients, we end up eating out too much and spending way more money than is necessary for food. Anyone have any great one-dish meals they'd like to share? I'm a crockpot and casserole kind of gal, I just need some fresh ideas!


Unknown said...

No good tips on one-dish meals, though I did find a recipe yesterday for PF Chang's lettuce wraps that were to die for!

I know, a part of me is sad I won't get out to Florida again (though I hear you Augusts are pretty unbearable!) And you're ALWAYS welcome out here, though I have to be the most impatient ski instructor there is. How 'bout we just play Ski Bunny in the lodge. :-)

Sooooo great he is sitting up. That milestone is the beginning of all the fun!!

Awesome Mom said...

Recipe Zaar has a ton of great recipes that fit your criteria. I do the menu and shopping once a week. I too would be eating out a lot more if I did not have that menu.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I need some good meal ideas, too. I love soups but now it's warmer weather again!

Be sure to enter my really awesome giveaway going on from Mason & Matisse- you could win $120 in Skip Hop gear!


Damselfly said...

It was so cute when they reached out to touch each other! Nice to spend time with you....