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Thursday, June 26, 2008

In Which I Contemplate My Dorkiness

I am such a big dork. Allow me to tell you why.

I've never been one of these I've-got-it-all-put-together-and-I-always-dress-well-and-I-remember-everything moms. I am rather disorganized, in fact, which kind of surprises me because when I was a full-time college student, I was *very* organized. Then I had a kid and it all went out the window. I leave the house without checking to see that I have diapers in my diaper bag. I tell someone I'll be somewhere, then I forget about it completely. I freak out because I've lost my keys when they're actually in my bag the whole time. I meet someone out in public who obviously knows who I am,but I am completely clueless.

Well all this is going to change because as of today, I have something that those other moms have.

A calendar in which to organize myself.

Do I hear giggling?

Giggle away. I belong to a mom's group that meets weekly. (Well, we've taken a break for the summer but that's neither here nor there.) At least half of the moms who belong to this group are the moms who appear to have it all together, arrive with every hair in place, lost keys are never an issue, their diaper bags are well stocked AND they have a spare in the car just in case they have an extraordinarily rare lapse of thought, they always remember my name, and...they all have the same exact calendar. (Amy Knapp's Family Organizer.) I know this because our group is very active and we often do things outside of our regular weekly meeting. When it comes time to plan events, all these moms whip out their identical calendars, check their schedules which have been handwritten with perfect penmanship, color-coded for each family member, and I sit there and watch and hope I'll remember whatever it is we're planning. If I'm lucky, I've got the back of a receipt from the depths of my purse that I can scrawl down a date and time if I'm also lucky enough to borrow a pen from one of these super-moms sitting near me.

Today was my lucky day. I decided to take an outing with Lance to the bookstore because I received a 25% off any item coupon in my email inbox this morning. I decided to take the plunge and use that coupon not on the latest novel I'm dying to read or the new CD by my very favorite artist, but on something boring, practical, and very grown-up: a calendar.

Ha. Try buying a 2008 calendar in the middle of June.

I was about to be disappointed when I found it. At the very end of the shelf, trying to hide from me: The Amy Knapp Family Organizer. It was not a 2009 calendar like all the other ones around it; well, not completely. This calendar begins in July 2008 and goes through December 2009! SCORE!!! I'll be able to start using this calendar in about a week and a half. I'll definitely need it come August when I begin my internship.

So now I'm one of the cool moms. I'm a member of the club of moms-who-have-the-potential-to-have-it-all-together.

See? I'm such a dork!


Jessica said...

I'm so not a cool mom either! I don't have a calendar, but I use my work for personal doctor's appts so I don't forget those. Maybe I need a calendar too. Hmm.

Sharon - Mom Generations said...

There is such a sense of peace when one becomes a calendared (is this a word?) dork! Now the color codes and all that... that would make me slam shut my calendar. I also abbreviate everything and scribble my scribble. And it works! Good luck!

Sharon - PInks & Blues

the dragonfly said...

I've always had a calendar...but mine is lost. I was happy last month to find one that is July 08-December 09 too! :)

Damselfly said...

Those calendars kind of scare me a little. Or maybe it's the en masse whipping-out of those calendars by super-organized women that scares me!

Anonymous said...

I used to have a calendar pre-kids, now with the bag, the kids (which I seem to misplace all the time) I cannot keep it all up. SO I make a mental note and put it in the computer .... I forgotten a few things but not all things :)

I think it is a state of mind ... believe you will be organized and you shall be :)

Erin said...

Calendars are great! I am definitely not organized, but I do like to keep track of things on a calendar. I'm a teacher, and my planbook is always filled at the end of the year, because if I'm not organized for the classroom, I'm lost! Oh, and I'm also a fan of to-do lists, but mainly because I enjoy crossing things off when they're done. Yeah, I'm a dork, too.;)

mamashine said...

I've never seen an 18 month one that runs July-December, I think I'm going to have to go find one too. So that makes me a dork as well. :)

Beck said...

I use a google online calendar. It ever goes down, I'm DOOMED.

Haley said...

Yay for your new calender! :-)

Horsey Mama said...

Oh YES! I just LOVE this organizer! I had one this year, and sadly...it got left behind in OK back in March. I've been lost all year w/o it. :-(

Mamacita Tina said...

May it make you feel organized! I have yet to get something like that. I really should so my head stops spinning trying to remember everything that's going on.

Pfingston said...
