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Friday, June 06, 2008

Another Fun Morning

Yesterday, I had a fun morning.

Today, I had a fun morning! This is a good trend.

I met up with blogger Holly from Tropic of Mom for an impromptu mall outing. A few days ago, I saw a skirt I absolutely loved, but decided to wait a few days to see if I still wanted it. (Trying to stop my impulse buying!) Well, two days later, I still wanted it. I also had a gift card for Bath and Body Works that I was saving for their annual summer sale which is going on now. So I called her up this morning, found out she was planning on going to the mall anyway so we decided to meet up and do our shopping together.

I haven't had so much fun at the mall in a long time! Lance is at that stage where he no longer wants to ride in the stroller, but doesn't have the self-control for me to let him walk next to me. He'll run off, or yank things off the shelves. Today however, I kept him contained with goldfish crackers, a sippy cup, and a blue rubber ducky from Bath and Body Works. (It was $2. I think $2 is a VERY good price to keep a toddler happy in a stroller!)

It seems everyone is having their summer sales right now. The skirt I wanted was on sale, so I bought two of them. (I kind of had to, because they only gave you the sale price if you bought two. Grr.) I found flip-flops for Lance that were 2/$5. I got a pair of swimming trunks for Hubby that were also on sale, and then I made out like a bandit at Bath and Body Works. My gift card went a loooong way with all the great deals that were in there! I only had to pay $1.06 out of pocket for 11 items! It was great!

Lance is sleeping now; time for me to do a little housework and get some exercise. Have a lovely day!


Haley said...

Sounds like a ton of fun! If I lived in FL I would totally do a mall day with you! :-)

Holly said...

You are an amazing bargain shopper!

Susan said...

Oh I LOVE the B&BW sale! I gotta get down there. Glad you had fun.

:-) Susan

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I used to work at Bath & Body Works- the summer sale time was always the best. Crazy deals and goodies in those bins! And yay for summer skirts. I love skirts!
