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Monday, April 14, 2008

hugs and kisses

Lance is such an affectionate little boy!! Right now he loves to come up to me and hug my leg while I'm standing in the kitchen, cooking or doing dishes. This evening, my husband was making himself a sandwich, and I was standing in the kitchen just chatting with him about the day. Lance went back and forth between us, hugging Hubby's leg, then coming over to me and hugging mine. He probably did this 15 times! It was just so cute, Hubby and I were both laughing so hard!

He doesn't just hug. He looks up at you, into your eyes, and lets out a contented sigh. "Ahhhhhhh..."

He also likes to give kisses!! There's one little boy that Lance plays with several times a week. He tries so hard to give his little friend a kiss, but the friend freaks out a little bit. I imagine him saying. "Hey man, don't do that..." lol!

Tonight we were reading a bedtime story called "Babycakes." One page says, "Kiss my little babycakes on the nose." Usually at that point, I kiss Lance's nose. Tonight, he leaned into the book and kissed the picture of the baby!! Every time I turned the page, he leaned over and kissed the picture. It was just adorable. How I wish I could have gotten it on tape!


Damselfly said...

He is one huggable, smoochable little boy!

Awesome Mom said...

I love it when they start showing affection and kissing things.

Jessica said...

So precious!

Gerbil said...

toddler hugs are just the best. Big puffy hearts best.

Haley said...

Awwww! He sounds so sweet! You are a lucky mom!

Unknown said...

TOOOOOOOO SWEEEEEET! Bode has been the same way. Until the evil Terrible 2s made an early appearance last week.

Enjoy your sweetie now!!

Susan said...

Oh what a sweet story.



Mamacita Tina said...

So sweet. I try to remember such moments when the kids are driving me batty.

We have the Babycakes book too!

Pfingston said...

I've got me a lover like that too!