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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Day at the Zoo

Lions and tigers and bears...who cares? The water fountain is *much* more exciting!

Although it sure was fun to feed the giraffe!!

Dude, look at that!

Yeah, I saw some of those in someone's yard once. Or twice.

But those didn't move.

Dude, you're right.



Jessica said...

I can't believe how big he has gotten. I think he was just a baby yesterday! I'm sure you think that all the time.

Awesome Mom said...

Aww how cute! Last time the boys went to the Zoo they were more interested in the construction equipment than the animals.

Susan said...

Awwww looks like we both went to the zoo recently! I have the cutest pic of DS 4 with flamingos. It's on my facebook page, but not my blog page. I'll have to see if I can find a reason to post it.

:-) Susan

Mamacita Tina said...

Love the pictures. Who knew a water fountain could be so exciting?

the dragonfly said...


And I love the giraffe picture...I'm like a little kid when it comes to giraffes. The first time I got to feed one (about two years ago) I was so excited I was jumping up and down.


Haley said...

Precious photos! :-) Looks like you guys had a great time!

Damselfly said...

I would've paid to see that giraffe kiss you with its long tongue!!!