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Monday, February 11, 2008

A Birthday Surprise!!

Today is my husband's birthday. He'll be 36!! ;) I am very proud of myself because I have planned a lovely birthday surprise. Well, it's not a surprise anymore because a couple people let the cat out of the bag, but it'll still be nice!

I've arranged to take Lance to a friend's house this evening so Hubby and I can enjoy a nice meal together. I am going to prepare Chutney and Cheddar-Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Smashed Potatoes.

I have never made this recipe before, but I watched it on Rachael Ray, and I think I can manage this one. It looks SO YUMMY, and Hubby loves anything with chutney in it. He's from South Africa, and they use chutney very frequently as a condiment or sauce. ANOTHER thing I'm proud of is that I found a very nice South African wine. Hubby always checks the wine aisle at the grocery store and even the liquor stores, but he has a hard time finding good ones. Well, I went to a small market called The Fresh Market (I don't know if this is a major chain or just something local to my area) and they had a display of South African wines. The particular kind I got was made in limited quantities and flown over specially for this market, so I hope I'll earn some brownie points with the wine!! (On a side note, Hubby works for a wine distribution company, and not many places import South African wines. I don't know why.)

Anyhoo. I am very excited. We haven't enjoyed a romantic evening together for quite some time. Please pray that I won't severely mess up our dinner!!!!


Brent O. said...

Sounds like fun! If you ever want a specific wine and you can't find it, let me know. I can query the data warehouse and see who's purchased it lately. Total Wine & Spirits is always a safe bet, though - they're huge.

Damselfly said...

I'm sure it will be great. Have fun!

Haley said...

hope all goes well! Happy Birthday to your hubby!

the dragonfly said...

Sounds great!

And funny that you mention wine from South Africa...I actually noticed some the other day. Of course, the wine section at stores here in Germany is HUGE.

Hope it was a lovely evening. :)

Mamacita Tina said...

You know you've scored big just for all the effort you've put into this gift. Hope you had a great night! Happy birthday to your hubby!

Tracy DeLuca said...

I hope the dinner went great! My DH loves chutney as well. I am always looking for new recipes taht he has not already made! LOL... let us know how this one turned out!@

Susan said...

Awwww...do tell...how did it go? I hope it was a memory for you both. It sounds like you went to great lengths for it.



April@Crafty*Nesty*Thrifty said...

I found you through your comment you left on my blog, I hope you too found a gas coupon in your area. The dinner you are planning sounds so yummy. Your thoughtfulness in the planning of the dinner, wine, and finding a way to spend some alone time with your husband is the best birthday gift a wife can give to her husband. Enjoy the moment. Take Care, April.