About Jen

So, who is Jen, exactly?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Thanks, Brento, for reminding me about the website that you posted about and I commented on regarding the presidential candidates.

The Minnesota Public Radio website has a section called "Select-A-Candidate" in which you can take a quiz to determine which candidate most closely aligns with your views, and you can also see each candidate's answers to the same questions. Click on "candidate positions" to see where each candidate stands. (No, I do not think each candidate took the quiz, but their answers were taken from various debates and public statements they have made. Very often, they will link to the candidate's own websites, in which you can delve in more deeply to see where they stand on each issue.)

I find the site to be very objective and informational. For anyone who is a little confused about who is who and what they stand for, this is a great place to begin!

Thanks Brent!


Susan said...

Going over now....

mamashine said...

Oh, I like this. I got 11 points with Huckabee, McCain, and Thompson. I guess I'm pretty clearly a Republican then. :) But it's different points, so now I can go research what each of them thinks about issues and decide which ones I care about most. This is very cool!

Damselfly said...

OK, I started this quiz and got stuck on question #2!

I am so not political!

the dragonfly said...

Thanks for that. It was interesting to see, and I was very surprised at which candidates showed up on top. I've always said that I'm a Moderate; not because I'm "wishy washy", but because there are some things I'm very strongly with the Republicans on, and some things I'm very strongly with the Democrats on. Makes voting difficult. :)