About Jen

So, who is Jen, exactly?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

First Haircut

Here are pics from Lance's first haircut!! I'll come back later and edit this post with the story, since it's WAAYYY too early in the morning and I'm not thinking clearly yet. :) (Gotta love those wee-hour postings, hmmm?)


Mamacita Tina said...

Ah, the first haircut. It was extremely traumatic for Ian. He cried the entire time.

Damselfly said...

Did you save that hair? Because Fly could really use some.

Haley said...

Yay for Lance's first haircut and your weightloss! I need to lose the rest of my baby weight and I'm hoping that if I cut out sodas that will help.

Have a great day!

Unknown said...

First haircut? Bode has had about 20! (NO LIE!)

Susan said...

He's a little man.

:-) Susan