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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Weight Loss Challenge: Week 4

I sure am glad our weekly weigh-in occurs on Tuesday, because for some reason, my weight shoots up on the weekend but plunges back down by Tuesday morning. Very strange. I always get very discouraged on Saturday and Sunday when I check my weight, but every Tuesday morning I am pleasantly surprised by what I see! Maybe I'm subconsciously making an extra effort on Monday because I know I'll be weighing in Tuesday. Who knows?

Here are this week's numbers.

Starting weight: 157
Last week: 152.6
This week: 151.2

Total weight loss: 5.8 pounds

Yahoo!! Now I can get my "I Lost 5 pounds" button. Tee hee!


Denise said...

You are doing great sweety.

Damselfly said...

Wow, almost six pounds! If you get a button for five pounds, what do you get for 10 -- a zipper? a snap? a grommet? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you!

I know just what you mean about the weekend poundage that disappears before weigh-in...funny, that.

Your little Lance is adorable!

Sharon said...

Down is the "weigh" we want to go! Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! What an accomplishment!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

That is so awesome! Congrats!

Anne/kq said...

Good for you!

Susan said...

Great job. I am getting in gear and hope to report something good soon.

:-) Susan

Unknown said...

How GREAT for you! I, too am on my post-pregnancy repentance diet. I, however, do not weigh myself. I know, weird, right? Not really. I get discouraged by the scale if I don't lose what I want. As long as I can feel myself losing weight and on track, I avoid it completely!